June 2021
Our churches are now open:
St. Luke’s Matfield 10.00am - 4.00pm Thursday and Sunday
St. Mary’s Lamberhurst every day 10.00am - 5.00pm
We are holding regular Sunday services and other services in both our buildings. Those attending services are requested to sanitise their hands and to wear a mask while seated and when moving around.
Within a service, people are distanced in the pews in their household/support bubbles. At the moment there is no congregational singing in church. There is music via small singing groups and individual performers, including the organist.
Communion is given using wafers only, dropped into the hands of the recipient.
You do not need to book ahead to join one of our services; there is sufficient room in both churches to distance the congregation, and all are very welcome.
If you are hoping to have a child baptised, hold a marriage or a funeral in one of our churches, do contact the Parish Administrator to find out more. There are specific provisions in place to accommodate these services.
We are not currently holding youth group sessions or junior church sessions. We hope to return to these in the Autumn once restrictions are fully eased.